Issue 59 Out Now !


MOOR tries very hard to stay away from politics in all its manifestations, but as I write this, the outcome of Brexit, (whatever shape or form it ends up as), is still very unclear and seems to be dominating everything. Views on what will happen – if you even dare to ask someone else’s opinion – are like the weather at the moment: both mixed and uncertain! Whichever way you voted (or didn’t) with regard to the style of our country’s ongoing relationship with Europe, one thing that’s for sure is that uncertainty is not great for the economy. Putting the big picture aside for a moment, on a local level we need to make sure that this unrest and uncertainty doesn’t have a negative impact on the local economy within The Heatons – it is as important as ever to support our traders and retailers to ensure the continued success of our high streets and small businesses. Though some businesses do still sadly fail, overall The Heatons has weathered the recent recession and the high street ‘empty shop’ syndrome pretty well, and each and everyone of us can continue to help by supporting our local economy and our local community. As ever, SHOP LOCAL is our mantra here at MOOR.
Politics over!
This is a bumper issue of MOOR, with not only our regular All Change, Perfect Working Day, One to Watch and History features, but also some of the cutest fashion pictures we’ve ever taken, a special feature on exercise for the slightly older individual, and a round-up of good books that might be the perfect read as the evenings draw in.
Enjoy your MOOR.


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